One day, he was presented with the first footage of the show, was told to use the word "Go", and to have it finished by the next day.
#What band played the mighty morphin power rangers theme series
While at Saban, Wasserman developed scores and co-wrote themes for several of their smaller series as well as the animated X-Men series, before he composed some of his most recognizable work, which was for the show Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. of Saban Entertainment/Music Production, met in the early 80's and played together in the popular new wave pop band, Betty Boop & the Beat. Wasserman filled in at Saban Entertainment one afternoon and eventually stayed there for six and a half years. In 1989, shortly after the band disbanded, he started working for Saban Entertainment. In the mid-1980s, Ron started a rock band with present-day actress, E.G. Felony was fronted by Lucrecia's then-husband, Jeff Spry, who was receiving chart action with the KROQ-FM hit single "The Fanatic". In 1983, (with Wasserman on keyboards) the group opened for Felony/ Scotti Brothers records at the Florentine Gardens. His early music bands include Hollywood Headliners Betty Boop & the Beat, formed by SAG actress Lucrecia Sarita Russo. Wasserman has been fascinated with music since he was three years old.